CAA’s Scientific Committee (ScC) is responsible for overseeing the peer-review process for the annual conference to ensure consistency in the scientific quality of the presentations. The Scientific Committee is assisted by members of the Peer Review College, who are asked to evaluate abstracts proposed for presentation at the conference as well as full papers submitted for publication in the proceedings
Tasks of the Scientific Committee (ScC)
- The ScC manages the peer-review process for the annual conference in as consistent and transparent a manner as possible.
- The ScC, in consultation with the conference’s local organiser, make the final decisions to accept or reject contributions.
- The ScC and its Chair work according to the published responsibilities and guidelines as approved by CAA members at the AGM.
- The ScC create several thematic sessions each year to examine relevant topics not addressed by other proposals submitted during the initial call for sessions.
- The ScC chair is responsible for assigning tasks to ScC members, for coordinating the activities of the ScC with the local organiser, for managing the Review College, and for communicating with CAA’s Executive Steering Committee (ESC).
- The local organiser serving on the ScC communicates the practical details of the conference (e.g. number of rooms, maximum number of parallel sessions, maximum number of sessions) to the ScC chair.
- The ScC is only responsible for reviewing presentations for the annual conference, and the Editorial Board manages the review process for the publication of the proceedings.
Size and Composition
The Scientific Committee consists of 14 individuals: the chair of the committee, 11 at-large members, and 2 local organisers representing the current and previous conferences. Members of the ScC must be members of CAA while serving in this role. The current members of the CAA Scientific Committee are:
- Marta Lorenzon (Chair)
- Alex Brandsen
- Joshua Emmitt (Local organiser CAA2024)
- Giacomo Fontana
- Gabriele Gattiglia
- Eythan Levy
- Patricia Martin Rodilla
- Costas Papadopoulos
- Joel Santos
- Elaine Sullivan
- Deodato Tapete
- Marcio Teixeira Bastos
- Florian Thiery
Scientific Committee Terms
The ScC chair of oversees the activities of the Scientific Committee, including the dissemination of the calls for sessions and papers for the annual conference, facilitating a double-blind peer process for all submissions, and the development of relevant guidelines and policies. The ScC chair serves a three-year term and is selected from among current or previous members of the ScC. Approximately nine months prior to the end of the chair’s term, the ScC members will be notified of the opportunity to apply for the post of ScC chair. The members of the ScC nominate a candidate from among those willing to serve. The selection is then put forth for final approval by CAA’s Executive Steering Committee.
At-Large Members
At-large ScC members, who serve three-year terms, help to coordinate the review of sessions and abstracts submitted to the conference under the guidance of the ScC. ScC members may request to renew their term once, and they will be notified of the ability to make this request by the ScC chair 6 months before the completion of their current term. Such requests will need to be approved by the ESC and the ScC chair. Open ScC posts will be filled through an advertised call. Candidates do not have to be CAA members at the time of volunteering for the position, but they do need to be familiar with CAA and its reviewing process (e.g. by having presented a paper or chairing a session/workshop at a previous CAA conference).
Local Organisers
Local organisers play a vital role on the ScC committee in helping develop an engaging scientific programme that can be logistically accommodated at the meeting. Local organisers are also responsible for producing the final schedule of sessions and presentations once all contributions have been accepted. One representative of the current local organising team officially joins the ScC at the end of the conference prior to theirs. Each local organiser remains on the committee for the year following their conference in order to assist and advise the next local organiser.