CAA organises a conference each year, usually in the spring, to bring together archaeologists, technology specialists, and others interested in computational archaeology and digital heritage. Since the first meeting in 1973, CAA has met in more than twenty countries on four continents.
CAA invites proposals for conference sessions, workshops, round tables, papers, and posters on any topic related to computational archaeology. The call for sessions and workshops is issued mid-summer and remains open for approximately six weeks. Accepted sessions are published when the call for papers opens in the late summer, and authors are then invited to submit papers and posters. The review process is managed by the Scientific Committee and session chairs with members of CAA’s Peer Review College. After the conference, authors may submit full papers to be considered for publication in the proceedings.
Attending the annual conference, a benefit of membership, is open to all current CAA members, upon payment of the conference registration fee. A limited number of travel bursaries are available to support participation by students and low-income members.
Upcoming Conferences
The next CAA International conference, the organisation’s 52nd meeting, will be held from 5 to 9 May 2025 in Athens, Greece. Additional information about the conference plans will be available when the call for sessions opens 1 July 2024.
Hosting a Future CAA Conference
CAA invites bids to host the annual conference in different parts of the world, especially new geographic regions. Proposals, which must be sponsored by at least one long-standing CAA International member, are voted on by the membership at the Annual General Meeting two to three years in advance of the intended conference.