Future Conferences


The CAA2025 conference, which was approved by the membership by an electronic vote in November 2023, will be in Athens, Greece, from 5 – 9 May 2025.

Bidding to Host a Future CAA Conference

The conference is vital for building, maintaining, and strengthening the CAA community. Through visiting different geographic areas, CAA seeks to engage new researchers involved with computational archaeology within a region, enabling the participation of students and scholars who may never have been able to travel to a CAA International conference before. The annual meeting also provides an important opportunity for attendees to learn more about archaeology and digital projects in diverse parts of the world.

CAA conference locations are selected, usually two to three years in advance, through a vote of the membership at the AGM. At least one member of the organising team must be a long-standing member of CAA International, and a bid should be supported by a national chapter, if one exists within the region. All conference organisers must be willing to abide by CAA Ethics Policy, including Appendix IV which outlines requirements for hosting the annual meeting.

CAA2026 & CAA2027 Proposals

We are currently pursuing a location to host the CAA2026 conference, and information will be circulated to the membership as soon as it becomes available.

Bids to host CAA2027 will be invited for presentation at the 2025 AGM. Proposals will be due early in the new year, but the ESC welcomes informal conversations early in the development process. If you are interested in organising one of these future conferences, please contact CAA Secretary, Jeffrey Glover, for a copy of the guidelines.