The ESC has regretfully decided that there will not be a CAA conference this year. When we postponed the conference in the spring, we hoped that we would be able to gather this fall. Given the ongoing global situation, holding an in-person meeting is not feasible this year. However we would like to announce that CAA will meet in Oxford in 2022 instead.
All papers and posted that were accepted for presentation at the CA2020 conference are released. We hope that many authors will consider resubmitting their papers for presentation to CAA2021, so we will create a way to note in the abstract submission system if the paper was previously accepted.
We are committed to doing our best to have an in-person conference in 2021 in Limassol, Cyprus. To that end, the Cyprus organizing team and the ESC have decided to move the conference to June 14-18, 2021, so mark your calendars now. While this represents a departure from the usual early spring meeting schedule, we feel it gives us a better chance of being able to gather safely next year.
We are also working on plans for holding the virtual 2020 AGM in about six weeks. We will follow up shortly with date and time along with information about how members can access the online meeting. We will to post the full agenda along with many of the reports about four weeks ahead of the meeting, so that we can focus the online portion on the most critical topics.
Best Regards,