To honour the work of its longstanding chair Nick Ryan, CAA International provides the annual Nick Ryan Bursary. The Nick Ryan Bursary will be chosen from this year’s student paper presenters. The award will go towards the costs of attending next year’s conference in Tübingen, up to a maximum of 1,000 €.
The winner will be chosen after the conference via an online survey by all CAA members who attended CAA 2017 in Atlanta. The person with the most votes will be awarded the bursary, subject to their attendance at CAA 2018. If the winning presenter is unable to attend CAA 2018, the award will be given to the second place individual. The CAA Steering Committee reserves the right for a final decision if they feel that the voting system has been misused.
If you wish to apply for the 2017 Nick Ryan Bursary award, are a student, and will present a paper at the CAA 2017 conference in Atlanta, please email the Student/Low Income Officer ( by 10 March with the following details:
- Full name
- Paper title
- Session
- Student status
These nominated student papers will be highlighted in the conference pack and all delegates will be encouraged to attend these papers.
If you have any questions on how to apply for the Nick Ryan Bursary, please write to the Student/Low Income Officer at