Dear member of CAA,
We cordially invite you to participate in the Round Table on CAA Publication Issues, to be held at the CAA 2014 Conference on Wednesday April 23 from 16:20-18:00. As you may be aware, over the past three years CAA has tried to come to grip with the problems surrounding publication. We have made considerable steps forward where it concerns reviewing and editing, but have also been confronted with setbacks in dealing with publishers and realizing Open Access. In order to determine our policy for the next few years, we feel it is important to know what the members think about CAA’s publication strategy, now and in the future. We will then report back to the Annual General Meeting, and set up an action plan for the coming years.
Since the round table only has a limited time slot, and will immediately be followed by the AGM, we would like you to send an e-mail to the Publication Officer before 15 April indicating that you will be participating, so we can distribute some reading materials to the participants in time, and organize the round table in an efficient manner. If you don’t have the opportunity to attend, we would also appreciate any thoughts you might have on the issue.
Thank you.