CAA has published conference proceedings since its first meeting in 1973. The links below provide access to some online editions as well as information about purchasing hardcopies, when still in print. The online proceedings portal includes many of the papers published up through the 2011 conference.
CAA Proceedings Bibliography
- CAA2018
Lang, Matthias, Volker Hochschild, and Till Sonnemann (eds) 2023 CAA2018 Human History and Digital Future. Proceedings of the 46th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Tübingen University Press. - CAA2017
Glover, Jeffrey B., Jessica Moss, and Dominique Rissolo (eds) 2020 CAA2017 Digital Archaeologies, Material Worlds (Past and Present). Proceedings of the 45th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Tübingen University Press. ISBN (PDF) 9783947251155. Online PDF / Hardcopy for Purchase - CAA2016
Matsumoto, Mieko, and Espen Uleberg (eds) 2018 CAA2016. Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Archaeopress, Oxford. Printed ISBN 9781784917302. Epublication ISBN 9781784917319. Downloadable PDF. - CAA2015
Campana, Stefano, Roberto Scopigno, Gabriella Carpentiero, and Marianna Cirillo (eds) 2016. CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN9781784913389). 2 volumes, 1182 pp. and Downloadable PDF. - CAA2014
Giligny, François, François Djindjian, Laurent Costa, Paola Moscati and Sandrine Robert (eds) 2015. CAA2014. 21st Century Archaeology. Concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 9781784911003). 649 pp. and Downloadable PDF. - CAA2013
Traviglia, Arianna (ed) 2015. Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Perth, 25-28 March 2013. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam (ISBN 9789089647153). 515 pp.
Available also as open access version - CAA2012
VOLUME I: Earl, Graeme, Tim Sly, Angeliki Chrysanthi, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Iza Romanowska and David Wheatley (eds) 2013. Archaeology in the Digital Era. Papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam (ISBN 9789089646637). 482 pp. online PDF.
VOLUME II: Earl, Graeme, Tim Sly, Angeliki Chrysanthi, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Iza Romanowska and David Wheatley (eds) 2013. Archaeology in the Digital Era, Volume II. e-Papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam (ISBN 9789048527281). 967 pp. online PDF. - CAA2011
Zhou, Mingquan, Iza Romanowska, Zhongke Wu, Pengfei Xu and Philip Verhagen (eds) 2012. Revive the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Proceedings of the 39th International Conference, Beijing, April 12-16. Pallas Publications, Amsterdam (ISBN 9789085550662). 393 pp. and online PDF. - CAA2010
Contreras, Francisco, Mercedes Farjas and Francisco Javier Melero (eds) 2013. Fusion of Cultures. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010 (BAR International Series 2494). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 9781407311081). 600 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2009
Frischer, Bernard, Jane Webb Crawford and David Koller (eds), 2010. Making History Interactive. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Proceedings of the 37th International Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States of America, March 22-26 (BAR International Series S2079). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 9781407305561). 408 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2008
Jerem, Erzsébet, Ferenc Redő and Vajk Szeverényi (eds) 2011. On the Road to Reconstructing the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Proceedings of the 36th International Conference. Budapest, April 2-6, 2008. Archaeolingua, Budapest (ISBN 9789639911307). 428 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2007
Posluschny, Axel, Karsten Lambers, and Irmela Herzog (eds) 2008. Layers of Perception. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Berlin, Germany, April 2–6, 2007 (Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Vol. 10). Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn (ISBN 9783774935563). 427 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2006
Clark, Jeffrey T. and Emily M. Hagemeister (eds) 2007. Digital Discovery. Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage. CAA2006. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 34th Conference, Fargo, United States, April 2006. Archaeolingua, Budapest (ISBN 9789638046901). 499 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2005
Figueiredo, Alexandra and Gonçalo Leite Velho (eds) 2007. The world is in your eyes. CAA2005. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference, Tomar, March 2005. CAA Portugal, Tomar (ISBN 97898995313). 455 pp. - CAA2004
Niccolucci, Franco and Sorin Hermon (eds) 2010. Beyond the artefact. Digital Interpretation of the Past. Proceedings of CAA2004. Prato 13-17 April 2004. Archaeolingua, Budapest (ISBN 9789639911109). 533 pp. + CD-ROM. SOLD OUT. - CAA2003
Fischer-Ausserer, K., W. Börner, M. Goriany and L. Karlhuber-Vöckl (eds) 2004. Enter the Past. The E-way into the four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage. CAA 2003. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (BAR International Series 1227). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 1841715921). 571 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2002
Doerr, Martin and Apostolis Sarris (eds) 2003. The Digital Heritage of Archaeology. CAA2002. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 30th CAA Conference, Heraklion, Crete, April 2002. Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Athens. - CAA2001
Burenhult, Göran and Johan Arvidsson (eds) 2002. Archaeological Informatics: Pushing The Envelope. CAA2001. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 29th Conference, Gotland, April 2001 (BAR International Series 1016). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 1841712981). 574 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA2000
Stančič, Zoran and Tatjana Veljanovski (eds) 2001. Computing Archaeology for Understanding the Past. CAA 2000. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 28th Conference, Ljubljana, April 2000 (BAR International Series 931). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 1841712256). 376 pp. - CAA1999
Fennema, Kelly and Hans Kamermans (eds) 2004. Making the connection to the Past. CAA99. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: Proceedings of the 27th Conference, Dublin, April 1999. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden (ISBN 9073368200). 146 pp + CD-ROM. SOLD OUT. - CAA1998
Barceló, Juan A., Ivan Briz and Asumpció Vila (eds) 1999. New Techniques for Old Times. CAA98. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 26th Conference, Barcelona, March 1998 (BAR International Series 757). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 0860549615). 383 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA1997
Dingwall, Lucie, Sally Exon, Vince Gaffney, Sue Laflin and Martijn van Leusen (eds) 1999. Archaeology in the Age of the Internet. CAA97. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference, University of Birmingham, April 1997 (BAR International Series 750). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 0860549453). 280 pp. + CD-ROM. - CAA1996
Lockyear, Kris, Timothy J.T. Sly and Virgil Mihăilescu-Bîrliba (eds) 2000. CAA96. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (BAR International Series 845). Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN 1841710490). 182 pp. - CAA1995
Kamermans, Hans and Kelly Fennema (eds) 1996. Interfacing the past: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1995 (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 28). University of Leiden, Leiden (ISBN 9073368103). 2 volumes, 543 pp.
Also available as online PDF through DANS (after registration). - CAA1994
Huggett, Jeremy and Nick Ryan (eds) 1995. CAA94. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1994 (BAR International Series 600). Tempus Reparatum, Oxford (ISBN 0860547779). 257 pp. - CAA1993
Wilcock, John and Kris Lockyear (eds) 1995. CAA 93. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1993 (BAR International Series 598). Tempus Reparatum, Oxford (ISBN 0860547744). 266 pp. - CAA1992
Andresen, Jens, Torsten Madsen and Irwin Scollar (eds) 1993. Computing the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. CAA92. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus (ISBN 8772881127). 469 pp. - CAA1991
Lock, Gary and Jonathan Moffett (eds) 1992. CAA91. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1991 (BAR International Series S577). Tempus Reparatum, Oxford (ISBN 0860547302). 225 pp. - CAA1990
Rahtz, Sebastian and Kris Lockyear (eds) 1991. CAA90. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1990 (BAR International Series 565). Tempus Reparatum, Oxford (ISBN 0860547132). 214 pp. - CAA1989
Rahtz, Sebastian and Julian Richards (eds) 1989. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1989. CAA89 (BAR International Series 548). B.A.R., Oxford (ISBN 0860546950). 386 pp. - CAA1988
Rahtz, Sebastian P.Q. (ed) 1988. Computer and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1988. CAA88 (BAR International Series 446, 2 vols.). B.A.R., Oxford (ISBN 0860545733). 550 pp. - CAA1987
Ruggles, Clive L.N. and Sebastian P.Q. Rahtz (eds) 1988. CAA87. Computer and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1987 (BAR International Series 393). B.A.R., Oxford (ISBN 0860545075). 299 pp. - CAA1986
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1986. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1986. Conference Proceedings. Centre for Computing and Computer Science, University of Birmingham (ISBN 070440804). 227 pp. - CAA1985
Webb, Esmee (eds) 1986. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1985. Proceedings of the Conference on Quantitative Methods, Institute of Archaeology, London, March 29-30, 1985 (ISBN 0905853172). Institute of Archaeology, University of London. 155 pp. - CAA1984
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1984. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1984. Conference Proceedings. Centre for Computing and Computer Science, University of Birmingham (ISBN 0704407310). 209 pp. - CAA1983
Haigh, J.B.G. (ed) 1983. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 25-26 March 1983, University of Bradford. School of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford (ISBN 0950848247). 191 pp. - CAA1982
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1982. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1982. Conference Proceedings. Centre for Computing and Computer Science, University of Birmingham. 198 pp. - CAA1981
Graham, Ian and Esmee Webb (eds) 1981. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Conference on Quantitative Methods, Institute of Archaeology, London, March 21-22 1981. Institute of Archaeology, University of London. 120 pp. - CAA1980
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1980. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1980. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 48 pp. - CAA1979
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1979. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1979. Proceedings of the Annual Conference organised at the Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 54 pp. - CAA1978
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1978. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1978. Proceedings of the Annual Conference organised at the Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 84 pp. - CAA1977
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1977. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1977. Proceedings of the Annual Conference organised at the Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 118 pp. - CAA1976
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1976. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1976. Proceedings of the Annual Conference organised at the Computer Centre, University of Birmingham, January 1976. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 79 pp. - CAA1975
Laflin, Susan (ed) 1975. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1975. Proceedings of the Annual Conference organised by the Computer Centre University of Birmingham, January 1975. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 108 pp. - CAA1974
Wilcock, John D. and Susan Laflin (eds), 1974. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1974. Proceedings of the Annual Conference organised by the Computer Centre University of Birmingham, January 1974. Computer Centre, University of Birmingham. 90 pp. - CAA1973
Wilcock, John D. (ed) 1973. Computer Applications in Archaeology 1, published as Science and Archaeology 9. George Street Press, Stafford. 31 pp.