National Chapter: Sweden

CAA-SE is the Swedish chapter of the international organisation CAA – Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. As with CAA International, the aim of CAA-SE is to bring archaeologists, mathematicians and programmers together. The goal is to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, highlight current work within the field, and foster discussion and continued development. Membership is open to all, free of charge.

CAA-SE är den svenska avdelningen av den internationella organisationen CAA – Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Precis som det internationella CAA syftar CAA-SE till att sammanföra arkeologer, matematiker och datorvetare. Målet är att uppmuntra samarbete mellan dessa discipliner, uppmärksamma pågående arbete i detta fält och uppmuntra diskussion och fortsatt utveckling. Medlemskap är öppet för alla utan avgift.

CAA Sweden Website:
CAA Sweden Email:
LinkedIn Logo

CAA Sweden Steering Committee

  • Jane Jansen, Chair
  • Bengt Westergaard, Secretary
  • Kristina Martinelle, At-large Member
  • Alexander Röstberg, Student officer
  • Sebastian Liahaugen, Ancillary officer
  • Marcus Smith, Ancillary student officer

Annual Reports