Annual Report / CAA Poland: May 2013 – May 2014

Polish chapter constituted during CAA International conference in Perth in March 2013. Our initial objective was to gather community of Polish archaeologists, who utilizes computer applications and remote sensing technologies. This aim resulted in the first meeting of CAA PL held in Cracow on 8th of June 2013. The venue was medieval building of Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University. The meeting gathered almost fourth delegates from all major academic institution in the country (among others from Universities of Warsaw, Poznań, Wrocław and Kraków). The audience consisted mainly of young researcher and students. Photos from the meeting can be seen at our website.

Currently we are preparing for the second meeting, organised in cooperation with State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw (Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne), which will provide the venue and Scientific Association of Polish Archaeologists (Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Archeologów Polskich). As for today (10-05-2014) we have registered 116 participants, who are going to join meeting scheduled for 12th-13th June. The meeting will be divided into symposium, where 22 papers will be presented and workshops for students, held in Royal Baths Park (Park Łazienkowski). What is significant, the meeting will gather not only academic researchers, but also contractor archaeologists, museum staff and Provincial Heritage Management Authority’s (Wojewódzki Urząd Ochrony Zabytków) officers.

During incoming AGM we shall discuss the preparations for annual meeting in Cieszyn, scheduled for 2015, potential venues for meetings in 2016 and 2017, as well as confer about the ambitions and realities for Polish bid for hosting CAA International conference.