CAA Review College

The CAA Editorial Board is continuing to extend the CAA Review College, that is, the pool of reviewers for the CAA conference abstracts, the CAA proceedings papers and the JCAA articles, in order to have a larger number of experts available for the CAA reviewing needs.

CAA REVIEW COLLEGE. The Review college is fully renewed every 3 years. The current cycle covers years from 2017 to 2020 (March). Members can afterwards ask to be included for the following 3 years. Note that members who are repeatedly very late in delivering their reviews without having informed the Editorial board, the Proceeding Editors or the Conference Organiser about the delay will be removed from the College.

ELIGIBILITY. Membership of the CAA Review College is open to anyone who has published at least two peer-reviewed papers in the field of archaeological computing in non-regional publications (i.e. an international venue). It is not necessary to be a member of CAA to be part of the Review College.

HOW TO APPLY. If you are interested to become a member of the CAA Review College for the 2017-2020 cycle or if you are interested to be reconfirmed for the next 3 years, we kindly ask you to report your answers in the online form. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to create a user account in CAA’s conference management system (OCS) and in the proceeding management system (OJS), if you do not have it already (personal data in these systems will only be used for purposes of managing the conference). Please note that if you have already filled out this form in 2017, you do not need to do it again. If you were a member of the CAA Review College prior to June 2017, you are not automatically included in the Review College for 2017-2020, so please fill out the form if you are interested in continuing your commitment to CAA.

The call will be continuous and reviewers will be called to support the CAA 2018 proceedings review process to start with. A full Guideline for Reviewers will be available soon on the CAA website.

Note that the list of the members of the Review College will be publicly available in the CAA website. If you do not wish to be listed, please notify this to the CAA Publication Officer (

You can opt out of the Review College at any moment, and ask for deletion of your user account, by sending an e-mail to the CAA Publications Officer (