A message from the CAA Chair

Dear CAA member,
My term as CAA Chair comes to an end in Atlanta, 2017, after what has been an exciting and rewarding seven years. During that time, together with the CAA Officers and with the support and input of the CAA membership, we have turned CAA into a vibrant and growing community that encompasses cutting edge research within a friendly, supportive environment. Ideally, the position of Chair requires someone with experience of all aspects of CAA including organising sessions, giving papers, reviewing publications and, of course, attending the conference. CAA attempts to be a democratic organisation that represents all of its varied membership and it is worth noting that at next year’s conference we have sessions on Women in CAA and Same as it ever was, both of which examine the diversity (or lack of it) within CAA. On that note, if you have any questions regarding the role of Chair do please contact either myself or The Secretary.
Best wishes and hope to see you in Atlanta,
Gary Lock